Love Thy Neighbour follows in the footsteps of Zac Young, ten years on since he was taken in a shark attack. The event is a celebration of the purpose he pursued in the last year of his life - to love people with the love he himself received from God. Zac's legacy is summed up in his favourite bible verse, perfect love casts out all fear.
A Celebration and a Coming Together
Love Thy Neighbour is a community-centered event with live music, stories, and a World Record Attempt for ‘Largest Paddle Out’ and a preview of the upcoming documentary.

By registering you are helping us ensure everybody participating is sufficiently fit and healthy, minimizing the risk to all. It is a condition of PMHC Council and NSW Maritime Services that we ask participants to provide the following information. We appreciate your help!
Helping run a fun and safe event is Surf Lifesaving Mid North Coast, and NSW Marine Rescue.
See you at Town Beach on Saturday the 25th at 8am! Don't be late!